Predicting Specialist Tactical Response Police Unit selection success using the urban rush, 2.4 km and 10km loaded carriage events

Rhiannon Thomas, Ben Schram, Shane Irving, Jeremy Robinson, Rob Marc Orr

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Aim: To determine whether performance on a loaded explosive occupational task (Urban Rush), or distance based load carriage tasks (2.4 km or 10 km) were indicative of officer success on a specialist tactical response selection course (SSC).
Design: A retrospective cohort study
Method: Eighteen male police officers (mean age = 32.10±5.04 yrs; mean height = 183.72±5.79 cm; mean weight = 89.44±8.56 kg; mean Body Mass Index (BMI) = 26.45±1.58 kg/m2) participated in the SSC over 5 consecutive days. Data were categorised into: Group 1 (successful specialist selection applicants) and Group 2 (unsuccessful applicants). Independent sample t-tests, Pearson’s correlations and a linear regression determined the differences and relationship between anthropometric and event performance data with alpha levels set at p=.05 a priori.
Results: Height (p=0.025), body weight (p=0.007) and 2.4km loaded March event performance (p=0.013) were significantly different between groups. All three performance measures were significant predictors of success accounting for 44% of the variance in outcomes, however, the 2.4km loaded march was the
strongest (r2 = 0.33) and only significant independent (adjusted r2 = 0.29) predictor of success.
Conclusion: While a loaded 2.4km event is associated with success, a ceiling effect for an explosive anaerobic task and longer 10 km task may exist whereby increases in performance are not associated with selection success.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2019
EventTRANSFORM 2019 Physiotherapy Conference - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 17 Oct 201919 Oct 2019 (Book of Abstracts)


ConferenceTRANSFORM 2019 Physiotherapy Conference
Abbreviated titleAPA
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