Portfolio management: Roles, responsibilities and practices: A qualitative study

Aileen Koh

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The increasing use of project and programs by organizations to achieve business strategy and goals have led to the need to understand project portfolio management. Along with the increasing diffusion of portfolio management, a new managerial role evolves: the portfolio manager. This new role is pivotal in planning and controlling complex project landscapes more effectively and efficiently. This study is to investigate the governance structures and the roles, responsibilities and practices of portfolio managers. A sequential mixed method approach under a realism paradigm is used. This paper presents the first stage qualitative study, using an inductive interview based approach with six portfolio managers for six organizations in Australia. The results from the qualitative study are used to validate the research model developed on the basis of previous research and develop the constructs for the concept of portfolio context and the roles, responsibilities and practices of portfolio managers.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes
EventInternational Project Management Association World Congress: Project management: Delivering the promise - Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 9 Oct 201112 Oct 2011
Conference number: 25th


ConferenceInternational Project Management Association World Congress
Abbreviated titleIPMA Congress
OtherWith the IPMA representing the national project management associations of some 50 countries this congress will attract some of the best minds and experienced practitioners in the industry from around the world. The congress provides a unique opportunity for international companies to showcase their services to a global audience of over 1,000 delegates.

The congress theme Delivering the Promise looks at the heart of what project and program management is fundamentally all about. Project management professionals from a wide range of industries will be presented with challenging ideas and a unique opportunity to learn and network with fellow colleagues and specialists from around the world.
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