Policy into practice: Adoption of hazard mitigation measures by local government in Queensland: A collaborative research project between Queensland University of Technology and Emergency Management Queensland in association with Local Government of Queensland Disaster Management Alliance

Iraphne Childs, Peter Hastings, Bhishna Bajracharya, Allison Godber

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportResearchpeer-review

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The focus of the present research was to investigate how Local Governments in Queensland were progressing with the adoption of delineated DM policies and supporting guidelines. The study consulted Local Government representatives and hence, the results reflect their views on these issues. Is adoption occurring? To what degree? Are policies and guidelines being effectively implemented so that the objective of a safer, more resilient community is being achieved? If not, what are the current barriers to achieving this, and can recommendations be made to overcome these barriers? These questions defined the basis on which the present study was designed and the survey tools developed.

While it was recognised that LGAQ and Emergency Management Queensland (EMQ) may have differing views on some reported issues, it was beyond the scope of the present study to canvass those views.

The study resolved to document and analyse these questions under the broad themes of:

• Building community capacity (notably via community awareness). • Council operationalisation of DM. • Regional partnerships (in mitigation/adaptation).

Data was collected via a survey tool comprising two components:

• An online questionnaire survey distributed via the LGAQ Disaster Management Alliance (hereafter referred to as the “Alliance”) to DM sections of all Queensland Local Government Councils; and • a series of focus groups with selected Queensland Councils
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrisbane
PublisherQUT Institute for Sustainable Resources
Number of pages115
ISBN (Print)9780980851809
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2010


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