Police Injuries in Profile

Kate Lyons, Rob Marc Orr, Rodney R Pope, Michael Stierli

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearchpeer-review

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Aim: To determine the musculoskeletal profile of lower extremity injuries within a state law enforcement agency.

Design: Retrospective cohort study.

Methods: Data were collected by the NSW Police Force over a 7-year period (2009- 2016). Data not meeting the specific definitions for musculoskeletal injury were excluded using a tiered system with data cleaned to ensure no incomplete entries and recoding to improve data integrity. Ethics approval was granted from Bond University (015360).

Results: Of the initial 65,579 incidents, 12,452 (19%) were musculoskeletal lower limb incidents. The knee was the most commonly injured site (31.4%) with sprains/strains(42.3%) the most common nature of injury and arresting offenders (24.2%) the most common incident activity. Slips/trips/falls (37.8%) were found to be the most common cause of injury. Variations were found between gender most notably within the incident activity (p<.001) where males had a 10.6% higher rate for resting an offender and females an 8.6% higher rate for walking/running. The mean number of hours worked prior to injury was 6.12±3.96, mean shift length = 10.34±3.52hours.

Conclusion / Key Practice Points: The leading sites of injuries (knees and ankles) were similar to that of other tactical populations. The tendency for injuries to occur later in a shift suggest that fatigue may play a part.

·    Evidence based lower extremity injury reduction measures and return-to-work protocols may be of use in this population

·    Work hardening should include specific tasks (like arresting an offender) and progress to functionality over a full shift length.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2017
EventAPA National Physiotherapy Conference MOMENTUM 2017 - Cockle Bay Wharf, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 19 Oct 201721 Oct 2017


ConferenceAPA National Physiotherapy Conference MOMENTUM 2017
Abbreviated titleAPA
OtherAustralian Physiotherapy Association (APA) Momentum 2017 is organized by Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) and would be held during Oct 19 - 21, 2017 at Cockle Bay Wharf, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The target audience for this medical meeting basically for Physicians.

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