Physical Fitness Characteristics That Relate to Work Sample Test Battery Performance in Law Enforcement Recruits

Robert G. Lockie, J. Jay Dawes, Katherine Balfany, Ciara E. Gonzales, Maria M. Beitzel, Joseph Dulla, Rob Marc Orr

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This study determined relationships between an agency-specific fitness test battery (PT500), and a work sample test battery (WSTB) in law enforcement recruits. Retrospective analysis on 219 males and 34 females from one agency was conducted. The PT500 comprised: push-ups, sit-ups, and mountain climbers in 120 s; pull-ups; and 201 m and 2.4 km runs. The WSTB comprised: 99 yard (90.53 m) obstacle course (99OC); body drag (BD) with a 165 pound (75 kg) dummy; 6 foot (1.83 m) chain link fence (CLF) and solid wall (SW) climb; and 500 yard (457.2 m) run (500R). Partial correlations, controlling for sex, calculated PT500 and WSTB relationships (p < 0.05). Stepwise regression determined whether fitness predicted WSTB performance. The 500R related to all PT500 assessments (r range = −0.127–0.574), 99OC related to all bar push-ups and mountain climbers, and BD related to none. The CLF related to sit-ups, pull-ups, and 2.4 km run; SW related to mountain climbers, pull-ups, and 2.4 km run (r range = −0.127–−0.315). Push-ups, pull-ups, and 2.4 km run were involved in predictive relationships for 99OC, CLF, SW, and 500R (r2 range = 0.217–0.500). To perform better in the WSTB and job-specific tasks, developing upper-body strength and aerobic fitness may be beneficial. View Full-Text
Original languageEnglish
Article number2477
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 6 Nov 2018


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