Performance variations between 3 different backpack systems: A Pilot Study

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearchpeer-review


Military personnel carry heavy backpack loads as part of their duty requirements. Different types of backpacks are worn due to preference, organisational suppliers, and/or mission requirements. The aim of this study was to compare physical performance while wearing three different backpacks, loaded with the same mission load.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 26 Feb 2023
Event4th International Physical Employment Standards Conference - Bond University, Robina, Australia
Duration: 23 Feb 202326 Feb 2023


Conference4th International Physical Employment Standards Conference
Abbreviated titleIPES
OtherHosted by the Bond University Tactical Research Unit the conference will address the three T's essential to supporting physical performance in physically demanding occupations; Theory, Testing and Training. Specific topics will include physical employment standards, identifying and mitigating injury risk factors, physical conditioning and assessing occupational readiness.

The conference content will be a blend of research and applied practice in a range of physically demanding occupations including military, law enforcement, fire and rescue and first responders.
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