Percentile rankings for selected physical fitness tests in highway patrol officers

James Dawes, Richard R. Flores, Rob Marc Orr, Charlie Kornhauser, Ryan Holmes

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

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Percentile rankings are frequently used to help characterize what is usual in a defined population and can be used to establish a baseline score for a group of measurements in a specific population To improve the accuracy and value of this information it is important that the individuals being compared are representative of the population in which specific percentile rankings were derived. Currently, there is little information regarding percentile rankings specific to individuals within the law enforcement community. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to establish normative data specific to highway patrol officers on selected measures of physical fitness.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2016
EventASCA National Conference on Applied Strength and Conditioning - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 4 Nov 20166 Nov 2016


ConferenceASCA National Conference on Applied Strength and Conditioning


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