Pedagogy: Telling, creating and sharing

Shelley Kinash

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    This is the first article in a regular column called The Next Step. This column is intended to inform primary and secondary school educators about what educational technology to expect when their students graduate and enrol in university. As a professional development tool, the content of these articles will help teachers ease their students’ transition to university. The key focus will be to emphasise continuity of learning to ensure that students continue to receive the best possible education assisted by the use of technology. In order to achieve this goal, our aim is to ensure that all educators, at each stage of the education process, from primary to secondary to higher education, have a clear picture of how students have been using technology and how they can build upon what has been taught by the previous group of educators.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)58-62
    Number of pages5
    JournalEducational Technology Solutions
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Jan 2011


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