Our voices: Aboriginal social work

Bindi Bennett (Editor), Sue Green (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportScholarly editionResearchpeer-review


The second edition of Our voices is a collection of writings from Aboriginal social work educators who have collaborated to develop a toolkit of appropriate behaviours, interactions, networks, and intervention. The the text explores a range of current and emerging social work practice issues such as cultural supervision, working with communities, understanding trauma, collaboration and relationship building, and the ubiquity of whiteness in Australian social work. It covers these issues with new and innovative approaches and provides valuable insights into how social work practice can be developed, taught and practiced in ways that more effectively engage Indigenous communities.
1. The importance of Aboriginal history for practitioners
2. Race and the indigenous social work academic in the Australian academy
3. Colonialism and the atrophy of Indigenous male identities
4. Australian social work is white
5. Indigenising social work
6. Indigenous social work and a Wiradyuri framework to practice 7. Resilience: an Aboriginal perspective
8. Aboriginal people in a hospital setting: The importance of Aboriginal hospital liaison officers
9. How social work can improve the health and well-being of Aboriginal men
10. Social work and cultural support
11. Developing Aboriginal identity as a light- skinned person -- 12. Aboriginal welfarisation
13. Aboriginal people, disability and the national disability insurance scheme
14. Embodiment of sovereignty
15. Using horses to assist in promoting Aboriginal wellbeing.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherRed Globe Press
Number of pages265
ISBN (Electronic)9781352004106
ISBN (Print)9781352004090, 1352004097
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes


Dive into the research topics of 'Our voices: Aboriginal social work'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
  • Developing Aboriginal identity as a light-skinned person

    Bennett, B., 2019, Our voices: Aboriginal social work. Bennett, B. & Green, S. (eds.). 2nd ed. London: Red Globe Press, p. 190-112

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review

  • The importance of Aboriginal history for practitioners

    Bennett, B., 2019, Our voices: Aboriginal social work. Bennett, B. & Green, S. (eds.). 2nd ed. London: Red Globe Press, p. 3-30

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review

  • Using horses to assist in promoting Aboriginal wellbeing

    Bennett, B., 2019, Our voices: Aboriginal social work. Bennett, B. & Green, S. (eds.). 2nd ed. London: Red Globe Press, p. 244-260

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review

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