Optimal Camera Placement for Monitoring Safety in Metro Station Construction Work

Yongcheng Zhang, Hanbin Luo, Martin Skitmore, Quan Li, Botao Zhong*

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Monitoring systems based on cameras are crucial for safety management of the high-risk activities common in the complex environment of metro station construction sites, and hence there is a need for a reliable camera network system. However, the number and locations of cameras are currently estimated according to the experience of managers/engineers, and the occlusion effect is rarely considered, resulting in weak coverage of 3D spaces in practice. To address this gap, a novel approach is presented to optimize camera placements for 100% site coverage while considering the occlusion dynamics caused by sidewalls and supports during excavation in metro station projects. A case study of a metro station project is presented to demonstrate and validate the approach, with results showing that the optimized plans for camera placement have larger coverage than the original plan and better performance in safety monitoring and controlling hazards. Optimized in this way, the plans for camera placement can help managers with effective planning and enhanced safety management of metro station construction sites.

Original languageEnglish
Article number04018118
JournalJournal of Construction Engineering and Management
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019
Externally publishedYes


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