Occupational exposures to solar ultraviolet radiation of vineyard workers in Tuscany (Italy)

Anna Maria Siani*, Giuseppe R. Casale, Renata Sisto, Alfredo Colosimo, Carolyn A. Lang, Michael G. Kimlin

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A study to quantify the UV exposure of vineyard workers was carried out using polysulphone dosimetry. The study took place in Tuscany (Italy) involving 32 vineyard workers, covering three different stages of the vine's growth. The level of personal exposure expressed as a function on the available ambient UV radiation was determined. We also assessed skin reflectance parameters, pre and post exposure. It was found that during spring backs received between 53% and 87% of ambient exposure and arms between 30% and 60%. During summer, the workers received on the back between 36% and 77% of ambient exposure and between 19% and 43% of ambient exposure on the arm. The comparison with the occupational UV exposure limit showed that all subjects received UV exposures in excess of the limit. The exposure of back of neck exceeded 10 SED (assumed as a threshold level of sun-adapted skin for Mediterranean subjects) in spring, which means that in the case of non sun-adapted skin and without sun protection, erythema can be induced in this targeted population. The cumulative exposure was also estimated under specific assumptions of UV exposure giving values in some cases higher than previous studies. The study took place in Tuscany (Italy) to quantify the UV exposure of vineyard workers using polysulphone dosimetry and covering three different stages of the vine's growth. It was found that during spring backs receive between 53% and 87% of ambient exposure and arms between 30% and 60%. During summer, the workers received on the back between 36% and 77% of ambient exposure and between 19% and 43% of ambient exposure on the arm. The comparison with the occupational UV exposure limit showed that all subjects received UV exposures in excess of the limit.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)925-934
Number of pages10
JournalPhotochemistry and Photobiology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011
Externally publishedYes


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