Interactions multimodales en situation de jeu libre entre enfants autistes et un robot mobile

Translated title of the contribution: Multimodal interactions of autistic children via a Mobile Toy Robot

I Giannopulu, G Pradel

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review


L’autisme est un trouble neurodéveloppemental complexe qui se caractérise par des
altérations qualitatives dans les interactions sociales et la
communication interpersonnelle et par des comportements répétitifs et stéréotypés.
Son étiologie génétique et neurocognitive est mal connue, différentes hypothèses sont
pourtant émises. Dans plusieurs formes de thérapies, l’enfant fait des apprentissages
par des jeux à objectif interactif. L’objectif du projet RobAutiSTIC est de favoriser les
interactions interpersonnelles d’un enfant autiste par la médiation d’un robot mobile
dans le cadre d’activités ludiques en situation de jeu libre. Afin d’analyser l’interaction
enfant-robot, la durée du contact visuel, du toucher, de la manipulation et des
changements de posture de chaque enfant vis-à-vis du robot est considérée. La variété
d’interactions observées laisse penser que les enfants autistes apprécient jouer avec le
robot. Nous proposons un modèle basé sur la théorie des catastrophes pour
représenter les changements de comportements de l’enfant. Cette étude suggère, qu’en
situation de jeu libre, un robot mobile pourrait être considéré comme un médiateur
social permettant d’améliorer le comportement neurocognitif des enfants autistes.
Translated title of the contributionMultimodal interactions of autistic children via a Mobile Toy Robot
Original languageFrench
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes
Event7ème Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique - Neuvy-sur-Barangeon, France
Duration: 4 Nov 20096 Nov 2009
Conference number: 7th


Conference7ème Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique
Abbreviated titleJNRR
OtherThe 7th National Research Days in Robotics were held from 04 to 06 November 2009 in Neuvy sur Barangeon, in the heart of Sologne. They gathered 200 delegates, who in a friendly atmosphere were able to discuss and discuss national and international advances in the theoretical and application areas of robotics. Eight plenary sessions were held, covering the classical themes of our discipline and leaving a lot of room for opening themes for which French robotic researchers are more and more interested. The JNRR'09 were also the subject of the exhibition of 34 posters and the projection of 6 videos presenting the laboratories. The demonstrator session welcomed 10 exhibitors, academics or industrialists, it allowed to discover in situation the last born of mobile robots and teleoperated. The 2009 edition was preceded, on November 3rd, on the same site, of the 19th Days of Young Researchers in Robotics. The revival of this event, after a few years of sleep, was the subject of 13 presentations, all of very good level. This day, organized on a scientific level by PhD students, was greatly appreciated and it was known that the session leaders had played a particularly good role in this context. JJCR resume, JJCR will continue. all very good. This day, organized on a scientific level by PhD students, was greatly appreciated and it was known that the session leaders had played a particularly good role in this context. JJCR resume, JJCR will continue. all very good. This day, organized on a scientific level by PhD students, was greatly appreciated and it was known that the session leaders had played a particularly good role in this context. JJCR resume, JJCR will continue.

We would like to thank the actors and communities who made it possible, through their financial support and their contributions, to ensure that this 2009 edition was held under excellent conditions. We want to thank our universities, those of Poitiers and Orleans, our laboratories: the LMS (Department D3-PPRIMME Institute) and the PRISME Institute, as well as the GDR Robotics and the CNRS. We want to thank the local authorities: Neuvy City Council on Barangeon, the Communities of Communes "Villages of the forest" and "Vierzon country of the five rivers", the Pays de Vierzon, the Center Region and more particularly the General Council of Cher for its exceptional grant. We would like to thank the partners and sponsors of this event: BA-Systems, Calao Systems, Domaine de la Grande Garenne, Fatronik Fr, Futuroscope Park, Gates Technology, Kuka Industrial Robots, Autonomy Disability Pole, Sensix and Wany Robotics. We would like to thank the session leaders and speakers who fed the scientific content of these days, the researchers who submitted posters and the laboratories that composed the videos. We would like to thank the teams and the industrialists who got involved in the demonstrator session, a very demanding but rewarding session. The success of the JNRR'09 was made possible thanks to the active involvement, for over a year, of a hard core of colleagues from the LMS (D3-PPRIMME) and PRISME. We wish, once again, to express our gratitude and to thank them warmly. The place of JNRR'11 is not yet known, it will be in the first months of 2010.
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