Multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention in children and adolescents - results of the GRIT (Growth, Resilience, Insights, Thrive) pilot study

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Aim: To determine the feasibility and effect of a real-word multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention (including group-based high intensity interval training, diet workshops and psychology session) on cardiorespiratory fitness, diet quality and self-concept in sedentary children and adolescents aged 9 to 15 years.

Methodology: Single-arm intervention trial

What is the clinical bottom line?
The 12-week Project GRIT pilot indicated promising results; the group-based multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention for children and adolescents in a non-institutional setting improved diet quality and self-concept in study completers. A lack of significant improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness may have been impacted by declining attendance rates at exercise sessions across the program. Future practice and research should focus on providing sustainable multidisciplinary lifestyle interventions for children and adolescents with a focus on those identified as having poor dietary
and physical activity habits, parental involvement and incorporating flexibility to enhance engagement.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 18 Nov 2020
EventGold Coast Health Research Quality and Innovation Week
- Online, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 16 Nov 202020 Nov 2020 (Event Flyer)


OtherGold Coast Health Research Quality and Innovation Week
Abbreviated titleGCH RQI
CityGold Coast
OtherGold Coast Health Research, Quality and Innovation Week will take place from 16 – 20 November in 2020. Providing a platform to showcase research, quality and innovation projects at Gold Coast Health, the event aims to highlight positive impacts and outcomes in these areas and grow and support the health service’s research, quality and innovation presence.

Due to COVID-19, participants are invited to join online sessions including lightning talks, panel sessions, keynote speakers and networking opportunities. Some sessions may also have a face-to-face option. A full program will be released closer to the event.
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