Missing mandalas: Development and theoretical gaps

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The mandala is a fitting metaphor to act as a model for a more balanced conception ofdevelopment, one that recognizes culture as central to human resource development. Aglobalising world can be understood as a unity, in which cultural and material divisions -as well as connections – are more readily discerned. The mandala exhibits three keyattributes necessary for a more balanced world. They are the integrating elements of therelational, the educational and orientational – whereby cultural and ethical directionserves to bestow meaning in people’s lives. In the opposite direction, a disintegratingworld scenario would feature a loss of relationships and hence alienation, a reeducationprocess that serves prevailing ideologies, and the subsequent disorientation that comesfrom losing one’s sense of place, direction, and self. The mandala model of developmentin a globalising world is both missing and missed. It needs to be more fully theorized if itis to make a conceptual contribution to the pressing tasks of the day – not least of whichis the desperation of terrorism, involuntary migration and a loss of cultural capital.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTwentieth Century Development
Subtitle of host publicationSome Relevant Issues
EditorsK C Roy
PublisherNova Science Publishers
Number of pages14
ISBN (Print)1590339096
Publication statusPublished - 2004


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