Micro-credentialing, Badges and New Models of CLE: Opportunities for Collaboration Between Universities, CLE Providers and Learners

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What if lawyers could earn digital badges for completing CPD and then use the badges to earn credit towards a postgraduate legal qualification? It’s already happening elsewhere; why not here?
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2018
Event2018 Continuing Legal Education Association of Australasia Conference - Queensland Law Society, Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 18 Oct 201819 Oct 2018


Conference2018 Continuing Legal Education Association of Australasia Conference
Abbreviated titleCLEAA
OtherThe Continuing Legal Education Association of Australasia (CLEAA) is an association of people from Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Hong Kong and other countries in the South East Asian and South Pacific regions who are involved in the provision of continuing legal education and professional development to the legal profession.
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