Meet an older woman from another country: age as a factor in international education

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearchpeer-review


According to the mega-data provided by the OECD on tertiary education, the trends in over 40 countries indicate further changes in the composition of future student cohorts (Education at a Glance, 2015; EDiF, 2013). The existing gap between the number of men and women will increase, with even more women at universities than men. Additionally, the OECD indicators show that the students will be much older and the cohorts will
include more international students. Accordingly, a future student at a university will increasingly likely to be an older female adult from another country. This paper has two parts; the first part examines the trends in international education globally and in
Australia and the ways these trends reflect the age-related predictors on tertiary education. The second part explores the ways with which these trends are mirrored in the experience of international students studying in English as a Second Language at an Australian university. The research sample includes the data from over a thousand student surveys collected over four years at an Australian university. The factors considered in the analysis of the age and experience gap include the point of their university studies; the gap between the undergraduate and postgraduate student experience and the nature of their earlier education.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - May 2016
Event28th International Conference on Second/Foreign language Acquisition: Life-long learning: the age factor in second/foreign language acquisition and learning - Szczyrk, Poland
Duration: 19 May 201621 May 2016
Conference number: 28th


Conference28th International Conference on Second/Foreign language Acquisition
Abbreviated titleICFSLA 2016


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