Measuring project success: conceptualizing a new approach applicable to all project types

Craig Ashley Langston, Amir Ghanbaripour, Muath Abu Arqoub

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

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There is much confusion about what constitutes a successful project, since often the criteria applied are not made clear at the outset and the boundaries for what is to be included in the evaluation become blurred. To overcome this problem, a new approach (called i3d3) is conceptualized for measuring project success based on the objectives of multiple stakeholder groups, and conducted at multiple assessment points in time. It also enables a method for comparing success between projects regardless of type, size or location so that differential performance outcomes across a portfolio of projects become manifest. It is concluded that there are generic criteria applicable to any project type, although the detail of the evaluation may require specific customization to capture the pertinent characteristics involved. A single score can be computed to identify success and to rank projects on a common scale. This paper sets out the framework for achieving such an outcome and establishes the foundation for future tool development and testing.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAUBEA 2018 Conference Proceedings, Vol 1: Innovation
EditorsKhoa Do, Monty Sutrisna, Barry Cooper-Cooke, Oluwole Olatunji
Place of PublicationWestern Australia
PublisherCurtin University of Technology
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-9871831-6-3
ISBN (Print)978-0-9871831-3-2
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventThe 42nd Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) 2018 Conference: Educating Building Professional for the Future: Innovation, Technology and Sustainability,in the Globalised Market - Curtin University, Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 26 Sept 201828 Sept 2018
Conference number: 42nd


ConferenceThe 42nd Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) 2018 Conference
Abbreviated titleAUBEA
OtherThe theme of the conference this year is Educating Building Professional for the Future: Innovation, Technology and Sustainability,in the Globalised Market. It looks specifically into the joint efforts between universities and industry in educating future building professionals leveraging on innovation, technology and sustainability, in our increasingly globalised world. This joint effort requires a close collaboration between universities and industry in achieving a successful endeavour.

The conference venue in Singapore was also carefully selected to highlight the globalisation phenomenon by showcasing the “Asian” part of the “Australasian”of AUBEA. The Construction industry in Singapore

provides an excellent success story of close collaboration with education providers by embracing innovation, technology and sustainability, in their industry that feed back to the education systems to better educate building professionals.

Selected high quality papers on a relevant theme may be invited to develop their papers e.g. based on further findings, analysis and significant conclusions, and to submit such developed papers for possible publication in a special issue of:

- The Construction Economics and Building journal, ISSN 2204-9029 []

- The Journal of Built Environment Project and Asset Management (BEPAM), ISSN ISSN: 2044-124X []

- Publications in the special issue in these journals will be subject to the usual full double blind peer review process.
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