Managing risks arising from mismatches between physical conditioning & tactical task requirements

Rodney R Pope

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearch

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Overview: •The Quest for the perfect predictive test(s) •Why the Quest is doomed •Alternative? The Public Health approach? •A better way: holistic risk management •Identify context, tactical tasks & task requirements •Identify required physical conditioning elements & levels •Tactical fitness vs athletic/ sports fitness vs health fitness •Identify mismatches •Identify & prioritise risks arising from mismatches •Consider risk treatment strategies & associated risks •Fairness, the greater good, the personnel pool & more •Risk management approaches •Concluding remarks
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventASCA National Conference on Applied Strength and Conditioning 2015 - Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 6 Nov 20158 Nov 2015


ConferenceASCA National Conference on Applied Strength and Conditioning 2015
CityGold Coast


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