Loose-parts play using Nüdel Kart™ in paediatric occupational therapy and child development: Occupational Therapy Australia 30th National Conference and Exhibition, 21-23 June 2023, Cairns

Hannah Grominsky, Ka Yan Leung, Beth Mozolic-Staunton

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting AbstractResearchpeer-review


This is a multi-staged quality improvement project that uses a qualitative approach to aid the product development of Nüdel Kart, a loose-parts play tool. In the first stage, findings from the study informed the use of Nüdel Kart in therapeutic settings by occupational therapists. The occupational performance skills outlined in the Occupational Practice Framework 4th edition were used to identify the broad range of skills Nüdel Kart can target in occupational therapy. In the second stage, the study investigated the correlation between Nüdel Kart’s play behaviours and the development of children’s general capabilities as framed in the Australian curriculum.

The occupation station will provide the occupational therapists with hands-on experience of interacting with the Nüdel Kart loose-part materials, simulating a freeplay environment that stimulates the development of children’s performance skills—motor skills, process skills, and social interaction skills; and general capabilities—critical and creative thinking and personal and social capability. It will also provide a communication platform for the therapists to communicate how Nüdel Kart can be used in therapeutic contexts to promote childhood development further.

Nüdel resources are loose-parts play tools that are reconfigurable in infinite ways to support occupational therapists in observation, assessment, and therapeutic support of the children. Findings from this study confirmed the hypothesis that Nüdel Kart could be used to support over two-thirds of a child’s performance skills outlined in the Occupational Practice Framework 4th edition. This is a promising result to inform the uses of Nüdel Kart in therapeutic settings.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)39-39
Number of pages1
JournalAustralian Occupational Therapy Journal
Publication statusPublished - 19 Jun 2023
EventOccupational Therapy Australia 30th National Conference and Exhibition - Cairns, Australia
Duration: 21 Jun 202323 Jun 2023
Conference number: 30


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