Lightboard Videos

Research output: Contribution to journalMagazine ArticleEducation


With higher education now being delivered in either multimodal or online formats, there is a need to focus more on
engaging students outside of their class times. One such
resource that has proven engaging for students is lightboard
videos. Lightboard videos provide the audience with a clear
view of the educator and allow the educator to write out a
message (such as a chemical mechanism or chemical equation)
on a transparent board that is illuminated to enhance the focus
on the presenter and their written message. Stephanie
Schweiker (pictured) and Stephan Levonis have evaluated
student engagement over the past few years and have found
that using short and snappy lightboard videos between classes
has increased their engagement. The videos are on-point with
minimal details and extended examples. This means they are
quick to watch for students practising questions relating to the
videos. The authors have found that their students’ average test
scores have increased, and the students have a strong appetite
for this type of resource (Schweiker S., Levonis S. J. Chem.
Educ. 2020, 97(10), 3867–71).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20
Number of pages1
JournalChemistry in Australia
Issue numberMarch-May
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2021


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