Law enforcement internet jurisdiction

Paul De Hert, Julie Hornle, Cornelia Kutterer, Dan Jerker B Svantesson, Anna-Maria Osula

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearch


The application of contemporary approaches of jurisdiction
to the online environment has so far been
a rather unhappy saga, marked by controversy and
failures. This is unsurprising given the stark contrast
between the Internet’s relatively borderless nature
and the territorial focus of most jurisdictional rules.
Currently, more attention is given to this topic than
ever before, and this session will consider in particular:

• What is jurisdiction in today’s society?
• What does jurisdiction mean when news spreads
globally at the very moment of posting and companies
are located worldwide?
• Why would states collaborate via mutual legal
assistance if they can get, or try to get, the data
they are looking for not from companies abroad
but from their subsidiaries at home – where the
law enforcement agency is based?
• How should corporations organize themselves
when they are faced with such requests?
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2015
Event8th International Computers, Privacy & Data Protection Conference: Data protection on the move - Brussels, Belgium
Duration: 21 Jan 201523 Jan 2015
Conference number: 8th


Conference8th International Computers, Privacy & Data Protection Conference
Abbreviated titleCPDP2015
Internet address


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