Knock Knock….. Who's there? Supporting well-being and success for all

Joanna Bishop, Aviad Haramati, Greg Radu

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearchpeer-review


Workshop Description
The facilitators will introduce the need for supporting learner wellbeing and why it must be a focus. Challenges to learner well-being includes personal and environmental factors, these domains explore the learner journey and transitions, length and challenges of programmers respectively

The role of the education providers in promoting well-being will be explored along with evidence based support framework that can be utilised in the learning environment, such as;
• general support that is easily accessible, transparent and timely,
• preventative support such as activities that help with resilience and personal and professional support sessions and
• extra support for the specific needs of the individual, personalised and offered early

The facilitators will particularly focus on the roles of faculty and peers in student support; the evidence based staff development framework will explore difficult conversations and provide sufficient tools for delegates to feel confident in the strategies discussed. The likely student concerns that present will be reviewed with activities and role-play including study, relationships, financial, physical illness, mental health. Case-based scenarios will explore how delegates have responded previously and how best to triage with local guidelines and policies in mind.

Whilst supporting staff who support students, we can explore:
• why staff need training and support too
• who should be recruited and selected to these roles
• how they should be suitable inducted
• the role clarification and expectations
• ongoing professional development and
• how to deal with emergency situations

The session will conclude with how the delegates are currently focusing on their own well-being, with increases stressors and demands of the higher education and work environment. Practical advice will be shared and delegates armed a sense of purpose, meaning and connection.

W2P7 Workshop Objective
The objective of the workshop is to briefly review the current literature on supporting learner well-being and discuss frameworks and practical approaches for those who educate and may be confronted with and required to respond to distressed learners whilst maintain their own well-being.

Who Should Attend
Educators (teachers and clinicians), fellow learners, professional staff and those who manage others who are frontline for student support.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2020
EventAsia Pacific Medical Education Pre-Conference Workshops: Nurturing Values for Effective Practice - Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 8 Jan 202012 Jan 2020


WorkshopAsia Pacific Medical Education Pre-Conference Workshops
Abbreviated titleAPMEC 2020
Internet address


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