Keeping film continuity in check

Research output: Contribution to journalNewspaper ArticleProfessional


You've seen the Game of Thrones scene with Jon and Daenerys where somehow a Starbucks coffee cup made it into the frame? Or maybe the one in Star Wars where the Stormtrooper misjudges the height of a Death Star doorway and, unnoticed by anyone else, smashes their head?

You may have even noticed bullet holes on the walls before anyone started firing at Jules and Vincent in the apartment scene from Pulp Fiction.

Those moments might have ruined the scenes for you - or perhaps were the only redeeming feature. But the big question everyone wants answered is: whose fault was it?

On a production crew, these details - officially - are the responsibility of the script supervisor or continuity person.

This article first appeared in The Conversation
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31
JournalThe Canberra Times
Publication statusPublished - 8 Feb 2020


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