Job embeddedness: A new way of looking at an old problem

Laurina Yam, Michael Raybould

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearchpeer-review


This study takes a novel approach to the employee turnover problem by applying the job embeddedness (JE) construct (Mitchell et al., 2001) to the hospitality industry and focusing on the factors that contribute to retention rather than turnover. A better understanding of the factors that contribute to employee embeddedness and retention of experienced employees is critical to business success. The JE construct considers the role of organisational (on-the-job) and community (off-the-job) dimensions, and these are considered in the context of hospitality employment. The study investigates the relative importance of organisational and community links, fit, and sacrifice domains, and explores the effect of these dimensions on intention to leave (ITL) the organisation.
This study provides additional validation for the JE construct as a two-dimensional composite measure but finds only qualified support for the measures as predictors of ITL.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017
EventWorld Business and Social Science Conference - Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 18 Dec 201719 Dec 2017


ConferenceWorld Business and Social Science Conference
Internet address


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