Introducing an Online Assessment Platform for WBA

Kirsty A T Forrest, Carmel Tepper, Rhonda Morton, Odette Smith, Todd Fraser

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterProfessional

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Bond University has partnered with Osler Technologies to develop an electronic platform to monitor attendance and compliance and to aggregate student performance data on work-place based assessments (WBA). Student clinical placements are undertaken in over 150 locations with up to 800 clinical supervisors observing, assessing and providing feedback on student performance. Current manual, paper-based processes are inefficient, time-consuming, and prone to error and limited opportunity for timely feedback to students.

We have developed a fully mobile-enabled, secure, digital platform available on any device from any location that will allow a range of clinically relevant assessments to be conducted, at the bedside by clinical supervisors. Clinical supervisors can track student progress and identify those that require additional support, helping to provide the best education experience possible. Faculty have real-time student performance data allowing for earlier interventions than previously possible.

Delivering the project across so many sites and supervisors involved considerable implementation and change management processes. The needs of busy clinicians were taken into account with guest log-ins and multiple modes of assessment accepted by the platform. For instance, the ability to voice record was introduced, enabling students to immediately access assessor feedback. This has resulted in increased communication between students and their assessors and very positive response from the student body.

Digitising the Medical Program processes for monitoring attendance, conducting and collating clinical assessment and delivering feedback at sites of clinical exposure, has created significant efficiencies in the delivery of our program. Feedback indicates that this leads to a vastly improved student experience with real-time, enhanced feedback on assessment performance and timely student remediation which will assist our students to becomesafeandcompetent‘work-ready’ interns.


Conference15th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC)
Abbreviated titleAPMEC
OtherThe Organising Committee of APMEC 2018 and the Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System, invite you to attend the 15th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) from 10 to 14 January 2018 in Singapore.

We have specially chosen our theme "Technology: Enhancing Education for Improvement of Patient Care – Trends ● Issues ● Priorities ● Strategies (TIPS)". The aim of the conference is to share our experiences as educators, and learn from experts in medical and healthcare professional education some of the latest ideas, and best practices adopted internationally. This is also an opportunity for participants to stimulate discussions in medical and health professional education with the experts.

The Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference has grown and strengthened over the years. It is now in its 15th year attracting participants, not only from the Asia-Pacific region, but also from around the globe. For our 14th APMEC 2017, we had close to 1,200 medical and healthcare professionals from over 33 countries. We hope to see an even stronger participation in 2018.
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