International student mobility: What makes them happy?

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According to the UNESCO, the number of students who studied at universities outside their home countries
reached 4 million in 2012, which means it doubled in 12 years. The phenomenon of internationalisation and
international student mobility has been at the centre of attention of researchers from many perspectives over
the last decade. These perspectives examine the educational, administrative, and financial aspects of
promoting the international student mobility and improving the students’ experience in the process of
educating ‘the global citizen’. It is vital to understand the factors which influence students’ choice of
destination not just for the well-being of many educational institutions in Australia, but for many countries
which attract or want to attract international students. The aim of this paper is to examine positive emotions
and feelings students experience when they study and live in Australia. The paper is based on the
quantitative and qualitative survey data collected over four years and extended to 1066 students from 58
countries. The paper explores factors which contribute to the experience of studying in another country such
as prior educational experience, preparation for the outward student mobility, the role of home and host
institutions and the new relationships students establish with their peers, lecturers or work friends. It is hoped
that the research undertaken for this paper will contribute to developing a universal framework for positive
experience of international student mobility.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2015
Event27th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition: Positive psychology in second/foreign language acquisition and learning - Szczyrk, Poland
Duration: 21 May 201523 May 2015
Conference number: 27th


Conference27th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition
Abbreviated titleICFSLA 2015
Internet address


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