International regimes and globalization: Tools for managing complex change

R. James Ferguson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review


International Regimes have long been understood as cooperative mechanisms that allow states to work with each other, shaping expectations and generating areas of convergence on specific issues. (Chen & Chen 2009; Gorg & Ulrich 2006; Brahm 2005; Keohane 1982). Ranging across numerous areas, including fisheries conservation, food production, international trade, proliferation control regimes, control of illicit goods, monetary regimes, development agenda, and environmental cooperation, they can often operate where international institutional control is weak. In the 21st century, such regimes often draw on international non-government organizations and mobilize public and community support as part of their strategy. As such, a wide range of actors can be engaged in regime creation and support, e.g. Taiwan as an economic actor, Global Witness as a key INGO monitoring regimes in the control of ‘blood diamonds’, and the Nuclear Suppliers Group in supporting alternative track proliferation control mechanisms. In more general terms, a deeper understanding of successful regime creation and maintenance may offer realistic paths to moderate the cross impacts of ‘turbulent’ globalization, without problematic political investment in contentious global-level institutions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Global Management Conference 2010
Subtitle of host publicationGlobalization, sustainability and development
EditorsT. Assogbavi, S. Suhendra, H. Sirigoringo
Place of PublicationJakarta
PublisherGunadarma Press
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventGlobal Management Conference: Globalization, sustainability and development - Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 27 Apr 20102 May 2010


ConferenceGlobal Management Conference
Abbreviated titleGMC 2010
Internet address


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