Intellectual Potential, Personality Traits, and Physical Fitness at Recruitment: Relationship with Academic Success in Police Studies

Nenad Koropanovski, Filip Kukić, Radivoje Janković, Dag Kolarević, Dane Subošić, Rob Marc Orr

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This study investigated whether intellectual potential, personality, and physical fitness at recruitment predicted study success in police students (future officers), and whether biological sex influenced these factors. The intellectual potential (high school success and Serbian language test), personality traits (Big Five), and physical abilities (standing long jump, push-ups in 10-seconds, 30-seconds sit-ups, 12-min Cooper running test, and a whole body contract-extend test) of 115 students were assessed on their day of recruitment. Academic success (time-to-graduate and grade point average) were collected at graduation. An independent sample t-test and linear regression were used to determine between-sex differences and predict academic success. Between-sex differences occurred in Serbian language test, the extraversion personality trait, standing long jump, 10-second push-ups, 30-second sit-ups, running, and grade point average. Recruitment measures significantly predicted (p < .05) grade point average in male (R2 = 0.344) and female (R2 = 0.636) students. High school success was the most significant predictor in males, while high school success, Serbian language test, and 10-seconds push-ups were significant predictors in females. Personality traits and physical abilities may differ between male and female police students, but individually they do not significantly predict the academic success, regardless of sex. However, higher prediction power in academic success in female students may reduce the cost of training and improve workforce employment, while higher levels in physical abilities may reduce the dropout rate, improve health, and provide the potential their ability to complete physically demanding tasks.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
JournalSage Open
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022


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