Integrated Multi-Domain Assessment - Enriching the Student Assessment Experience.

Joanna Bishop, Carmel Tepper, Lesley Delaney, Paul Jones, Allan Stirling

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterEducationpeer-review


One of the common assessment issues in an integrated curriculum is how to clearly articulate the linkages
between the basic and professional sciences with the clinical sciences. We suggest that a new approach to
this issue using the integrated multi-domain assessment (IMDA).
Increasingly we are integrating our teaching, however, our assessment practices still often separate
examination components into written papers, practical exams and clinical OSCEs (Objective Structured
Clinical Examinations).
Our assessment team piloted the IMDA in 2012 when it was felt that the students were viewing their
assessments as discrete items, each devolved from the next. The Bond University assessment team set out
to create an assessment framework where different domains of knowledge and skills were assessed using a
shared and common clinical presentation.
Delivered in a 4x4 format, the students rotate individually through 7 minute stations contained within
four clinical clusters. Each cluster begins with a clinical history or examination. With this initial clinical
context setting the scene, the students complete commonly themed stations relating to applied anatomy,
pathophysiology, physiology, evidence based medicine and health professional topics.
Unique to this format is our ability to blueprint the incorporation of multiple modes of representation within
the exam. Using audio-visual vignettes, simulated patients as well as a variety of anatomical models and
cadaveric specimens, we can evaluate student knowledge and application in those learners who are visual,
kinesthetic or aural. In doing so we create an assessment experience that allows for clear linkage between
disciplines and in a format not possible with traditional paper based assessment.
The IMDA is used as a bridge between our preclinical and clinical years within the Bond University MBBS
program. We suggest however that the format can lend itself to any health professional degree where a
clinical context needs to be examined and at any stage within the programme.
Ongoing evaluation of this format is underway with psychometrics of our five IMDAs to date being analysed.
1. Clinical station
2. Applied Anatomy
3. Pathophysiology/Pharmacology
4. EBM, Ethics, Professionalism:Example of an ‘IMDA’ Cluster
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2014
EventANZAHPE 2014 Conference: Developing Health Professional Educators: Connecting Science and Theory with Learning for Clinical Practice - Griffiths University, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 7 Jul 201410 Jul 2014 (Handbook)


ConferenceANZAHPE 2014 Conference
CityGold Coast
OtherThe 2014 ANZAHPE conference will respond to the critical shortage of educators with the skills
and experience needed to support the recent rapid expansion of health professional training
programs globally. Its focus will encompass all of the health and social service professions, in the
pre-qualification, post-qualification and continuing education domains, as well as large group,
small group and practice-based learning settings. The conference aims to connect educational
theory and evidence with learning and teaching practice in all of these contexts, as well as
supporting the development of coherent connections between basic science understandings and
their application to clinical problems among health professional learners.
ANZAHPE 14 will be situated in the common ground between educators in different health and
social service professions, as well as between health science teachers and practitioners who
support the learning of health professional students and practitioners in clinical settings.
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