Injury Profiles Of Police Officers From A Local Law Enforcement Agency

Coleman Honea, Cody Stahl, Rob Marc Orr, Robert G. Lockie, Roger Kollock, Michael Casteel, Jay Dawes

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

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Musculoskeletal injuries sustained by law enforcement officers (LEOs) can result from a variety of occupational situations and circumstances. These injuries can result in decreased physical abilities, impact an officer’s ability to serve their communities, and may come with notable financial costs to the department. Profiling LEO musculoskeletal injuries is a necessary initial step for developing and implementing musculoskeletal injury mitigation strategies.

PURPOSE: To profile musculoskeletal injuries sustained by LEOs from one agency and identify injury patterns to inform mitigation strategies.

METHODS: Retrospective injury data from a local law enforcement agency spanning a period of four-years were examined. Reported injuries were grouped into musculoskeletal or non-musculoskeletal. The musculoskeletal injuries were further broken into anatomical sites. The data were examined based on common anatomical sites of musculoskeletal injuries. Descriptive statistics (i.e. frequency and percentage) were utilized to profile the data.

RESULTS: Across the four-year time period, a total of 39 injuries were reported. Of these, 66% (n=26) were musculoskeletal. Three body areas accounted for approximately half of all reported injuries: shoulder (15%, n=6), knee/quad (15%, n=6), and hand/wrist (18%, n=7).

CONCLUSION: Injury prevention strategies should focus on mitigating injuries in the shoulder, knee, and hand. This injury profile is able to provide important information to aid in reducing the injury occurrence; thus, helping to maintain the operational ability of the individual officer and department as a whole. Injury prevention strategies should include integration of corrective activities and defensive tactics into occupation specific strength and conditioning programs.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2019
EventAmerican College of Sports Medicine Central States Annual Meeting - Broken Arrow, United States
Duration: 24 Oct 201925 Oct 2019


ConferenceAmerican College of Sports Medicine Central States Annual Meeting
Abbreviated titleACSM
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityBroken Arrow
Internet address


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