Incivility and violence against urban bus drivers in Australia

RA Lincoln

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This presentation discusses results from a recent industry-partnered study of violence in the transportation sector in Australia. The research comprised a multi-method approach designed to map the nature and extent of on-board violence against urban bus drivers as an aid to prevention efforts. There were five types of aggression for which observational and self-report data were captured: verbal abuse, physical abuse, incivility, road rage and property damage. Aggression against drivers is correlated with a suite of factors inherent to their occupational setting including isolation, low levels of guardianship, overcrowding, late-running, and friction around fare and ticketing issues. Indeed, conflict over fares and late-running appear to precipitate the majority of violent events. Such incidents cluster in the early mornings and late afternoons in heavily-populated suburbs, with young people perceived as the most problematic passenger group. A majority of drivers had experienced some form of abuse in the last 12 months. Incivility (largely in the form of fare evasion) was the most prevalent type of event encountered by drivers; and where physical assaults occurred it was likely to be initiated from verbal abuse that escalated, highlighting the volatile nature of aggressive incidents.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventInternational Social Security Association Symposium on Violence: Attacks and Aggression in Transportation - Hamburg, Germany
Duration: 16 Sept 201518 Sept 2015


ConferenceInternational Social Security Association Symposium on Violence


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