Improving graduate employability: Strategies from three universities

Shelley Kinash, Linda H Crane, Mark Schulz, David Dowling, Cecily Knight

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This paper addresses how educators can best support graduate employability. Employability means that higher education institutions and employers have supported student acquisition of the knowledge, skills and attributes that lead to career success for graduates. Three Australian universities disseminated a pilot call for graduate employability success stories. Educators responded from multiple disciplines and with diverse strategies. Qualitative analysis derived common themes in the strategies employed. The strategy emerging with the greatest frequency was supporting the development of graduate portfolios. The pilot project allowed the research team to refine the data collection methodology from a general call for success stories to the use of directed surveys and interviews
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventIreland International Conference on Education - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 28 Apr 201430 Apr 2014


ConferenceIreland International Conference on Education
Abbreviated titleIICE
Internet address


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