Implementing Leganto integration with LTI 1.3: perspectives from Blackboard Ultra and Canvas institutions

Jessie Donaghey*, Peta J. Hopkins, Susan Garrison, Mang Sun

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractProfessional

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    Although LTI 1.3 integration for Leganto was enabled some months back, the usability with Blackboard Ultra presented problems for Blackboard users. After further development work and problem-solving between Ex Libris and Blackboard Support on the link selection tool, Bond University took the recent trimester break in May to move from LTI 1.1, to 1.3.
    Rice University migrated to LTI 1.3 in June 2022 in order to begin using Leganto's Read and Respond feature. Our Systems Librarian will share his experience on the switch from LTI 1.1 to 1.3, with testing that began in November 2021. Our presenters will also share their experience working with LTI 1.3 in the production environment as they readied it for faculty and student use.
    In this presentation, each institution will provide an overview and share our experiences including:
    - Why we decided to move to LTI 1.3
    - What testing was involved
    - What issues occurred (if any)
    - Ideas for improving the LTI 1.3 features
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2022
    EventInternational Group Ex Libris Users 2022 Annual Conference - Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff, United Kingdom
    Duration: 13 Sept 202215 Sept 2022


    ConferenceInternational Group Ex Libris Users 2022 Annual Conference
    Abbreviated titleIGeLU
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address


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