Imagine Creativity in Augmented Reality Environments

Tae-Jun Lee, I Giannopulu

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearchpeer-review

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What makes humanity so unique is the ability to create. From the contributions of Einstein in relative physics, to van Gogh’s The Starry Night, creativity is certainly what makes life worth living. Of three major forms of creativity (i.e., artistic creativity, divergent thinking and insight), artistic creativity has received the least attention and research. There is irony in this as artistic creativity is considered to be the more ecologically valid form of creativity. The scientific approach just started to explore the potential of Augmented Reality (AR). Some research has been applied to assist surgeons intra-operatively, some others have indicated that AR can be used in creativity but, to our knowledge, research examining mental imagery creativity in AR via central and peripheral neural responses is sparse. The aim of the present study was to analyse the physiological responses of mental imagery of art installations in AR. It seems that the neural correlates of mental imagery creativity involved in augmented reality environments are similar with those involved in real environments. As such, the current research provides insight into the role of AR in creative mental imagery, an unexplored domain.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2018
Event16th Australian Conference on Personality & Individual Differences: Advances and Challenges in Personality and Individual Differences – Theories and Applications - Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 6 Dec 20188 Dec 2018
Conference number: 16th


Conference16th Australian Conference on Personality & Individual Differences
Abbreviated titleACPID 2018
CityGold Coast
OtherBond University's Faculty of Society & Design is pleased to host the 16th Australian Conference on Personality & Individual Differences (ACPID 2018) on the Gold Coast, Australia. Bond University last hosted the ACPID conference in 2008. The theme for 2018, a decade later, is on ' Advances and Challenges in Personality and Individual Differences – Theories and Applications '. The main objective of the conference is to share the advances and challenges you have seen (or hope to see), as researchers, postgraduate students, practising professionals, educators, administrators and creative thinkers interested in increasing our understanding of personality and individual differences and their impacts.
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