Ice in Australia: Overseas crime gangs, not bikies, are the threat

Terrence Goldsworthy, Laura McGillivray

Research output: Contribution to journalOnline ResourceResearch


The Australian Crime Commission (ACC) report into the methylamphetamine market in Australia makes for sombre reading. Released this week, it reveals that more drugs are coming into Australia and certain forms of drug usage are increasing. A variety of crime groups are playing a role in the drug trade.

Methylamphetamine, in particular crystal meth or “ice”, has been the subject of much scrutiny in recent times and concern is growing among Australian authorities. The Victorian parliament held an inquiry in 2013-14 into ice’s impact in the state and the government recently released an “Ice Action Plan” in response.

So, how does the ACC intelligence document help inform the debate around ice? What practical lessons can Australian society and law enforcement draw from it?
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe Conversation
Publication statusPublished - 30 Mar 2015


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