Hunters & gatherers: Strategies for curriculum mapping and data collection for assurance of learning

Romy Lawson, Tracy Taylor, Eveline Fallshaw, Erica French, Cathy Hall, Shelley Kinash, Jane Summers

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

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    Assurance of learning is a predominant feature in both quality enhancement and assurancein higher education. Assurance of learning is a process that articulates explicit programoutcomes and standards, and systematically gathers evidence to determine the extent towhich performance matches expectations. Benefits accrue to the institution through thesystematic assessment of whole of program goals. Data may be used for continuousimprovement, program development, and to inform external accreditation and evaluationbodies. Recent developments, including the introduction of the Tertiary Education andQuality Standards Agency (TEQSA) will require universities to review the methods they useto assure learning outcomes.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAustralian Technology Network (ATN) Assessment Conference 2011
    Place of PublicationPerth
    PublisherCurtin University of Technology
    ISBN (Print)9780646566115
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventAustralian Technology Network (ATN) Assessment Conference - Curtin University, Perth, Australia
    Duration: 20 Oct 201121 Oct 2011


    ConferenceAustralian Technology Network (ATN) Assessment Conference


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