Human Rights and Technology: Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Issues Paper

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Consultation questions

1. What types of technology raise particular human rights concerns? Which human rights are particularly implicated?
2. Noting that particular groups within the Australian community can experience new technology differently, what are the key issues regarding new technologies for these groups of people (such as children and young people; older people; women and girls; LGBTI people; people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples)?
3. How should Australian law protect human rights in the development, use and
application of new technologies? In particular:
a) What gaps, if any, are there in this area of Australian law?
b) What can we learn about the need for regulating new technologies, and the
options for doing so, from international human rights law and the experiences of
other countries?
c) What principles should guide regulation in this area?
4. In addition to legislation, how should the Australian Government, the private sector and others protect and promote human rights in the development of new technology?
5. How well are human rights protected and promoted in AI-informed decision making? In particular, what are some practical examples of how AI-informed decision making can protect or threaten human rights?
6. How should Australian law protect human rights in respect of AI-informed decision making? In particular:
a) What should be the overarching objectives of regulation in this area?
b) What principles should be applied to achieve these objectives?
c) Are there any gaps in how Australian law deals with this area? If so, what are
d) What can we learn from how other countries are seeking to protect human
rights in this area?
Human Rights and Technology Issues Paper • July 2018 • 45
7. In addition to legislation, how should Australia protect human rights in AI-informed decision making? What role, if any, is there for:
a) An organisation that takes a central role in promoting responsible innovation in AI-informed decision making?
b) Self-regulatory or co-regulatory approaches?
c) A ‘regulation by design’ approach?
8. What opportunities and challenges currently exist for people with disability accessing technology?
9. What should be the Australian Government’s strategy in promoting accessible
technology for people with disability? In particular:
a) What, if any, changes to Australian law are needed to ensure new technology is accessible?
b) What, if any, policy and other changes are needed in Australia to promote
accessibility for new technology?
10. How can the private sector be encouraged or incentivised to develop and use
accessible and inclusive technology, for example, through the use of universal
Original languageEnglish
PublisherAustralian Human Rights Commission
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2018


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