How does time spent working in custody influence health and fitness characteristics of law enforcement officers?

Robert G. Lockie, Karly Rodas, Jay Dawes, Joseph Dulla, Rob Marc Orr, Matthew R. Moreno

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This study investigated the influence of time spent working in custody on the health and fitness of law enforcement officers (LEOs). Retrospective analysis was conducted on data from 48 male and 12 female LEOs, divided into groups based upon time spent working custody: LEO ≤ 24 (≤24 months; n = 15); LEO 2547 (25–47 months; n = 24); and LEO 48+ (≥48 months; n = 21). The following were measured: body mass index (BMI); fat mass percentage; waist-to-hip ratio (WHR); resting heart rate (RHR); blood pressure; grip strength; sit-and-reach; push-ups; sit-ups; and YMCA step test recovery heart rate (HR). A univariate ANCOVA (controlling for sex and age) with Bonferroni post hoc determined significant between-group differences. Select assessments were compared to normative data. The LEO 48+ group completed fewer sit-ups than the LEO 2547 group (p = 0.006); there were no other significant between-group differences. Forty-nine LEOs were overweight or obese according to BMI; 52 were fatter than average or above; 27 had a WHR that increased cardiovascular disease risk. Forty-three LEOs had very poor RHR; 52 had elevated blood pressure. Forty-eight LEOs had average-to-very poor step test recovery HR. Irrespective of time spent working in custody, personnel should be physically active to maintain health and fitness and, where possible, engage in formal strength training and conditioning.
Original languageEnglish
Article number9297
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2021


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