Hotel selection criteria and satisfaction levels of the Chinese business traveler

Xiao Han Xue, Carmen Cox

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

11 Citations (Scopus)


With strong growth evident in the business travel market in China, understanding the factors that influence the Chinese business travelers' hotel selection process is critically important. While research already exists about how business travelers in general select a hotel property, previous studies have focused primarily on European or Western markets. Due to a lack of research focusing specifically on the needs and satisfaction levels of the Chinese business traveler, this research aims to identify the most important issues considered by this market when selecting a hotel. Based on a survey of members of a Chinese business association, the results suggest that Chinese business travelers place strong emphasis on front desk services when choosing a hotel. In terms of factors that influence their overall satisfaction with business hotels in China, the study finds that common facilities contribute the most to Chinese business travelers' overall satisfaction of hotels.
With strong growth evident in the business travel market in China, understanding the factors that influence the Chinese business travelers' hotel selection process is critically important. While research already exists about how business travelers in general select a hotel property, previous studies have focused primarily on European or Western markets. Due to a lack of research focusing specifically on the needs and satisfaction levels of the Chinese business traveler, this research aims to identify the most important issues considered by this market when selecting a hotel. Based on a survey of members of a Chinese business association, the results suggest that Chinese business travelers place strong emphasis on front desk services when choosing a hotel. In terms of factors that influence their overall satisfaction with business hotels in China, the study finds that common facilities contribute the most to Chinese business travelers' overall satisfaction of hotels.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)261-281
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of China Tourism Research
Issue number3-4
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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