Heart rate responses during simulated fire ground scenarios among full-time firefighters

Quincy Johnson, Jonathan Goatcher, Robert G. Lockie, Rob Marc Orr, Brent Alvar, Doug Smith, Jay Dawes

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

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Simulated fire ground scenarios (SFGS) provide firefighters an opportunity to maintain their skills and receive team feedback in order to optimize their performance. Although there is extensive research on heart rate (HR) changes in the firefighter population, very few have examined these differences between positions.

To quantify the physical demands of SFGS among Firefighting crews by position through HRV analysis.

Sixty-eight male (age: 38.97 ± 9.17; ht: 177.99 ± 6.45 cm. wt: 88.83 ± 13.55 kg) firefighters volunteered to participate in this research. Firefighting crews performed two SFGS involving the suppression and control of a structural fire, while wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and using a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Subjects were outfitted with heart rate (HR) monitors and weighed immediately prior to performing a SFGS. Average heart rate (HRavg) and maximum heart rate (HRmax) data was collected and recorded for each of the two scenarios performed by each crew.

During SFGS it was discovered that HRavg ranged between 54 – 88% (of APMHR and average HRmax ranged between 73– 106% of APMHR.

SFGS are very physically demanding events that may elicit maximal or near maximal heart rate responses regardless of positon. Practical Application: Based on the metabolic demands of these events and the individual firefighter’s capabilities, this information can be used to develop conditioning programs
that optimize performance at maximal or near maximal heart rates.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jul 2019
Event42nd National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) National Conference and Exhibition - Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington DC, United States
Duration: 10 Jul 201913 Jul 2019


Conference42nd National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) National Conference and Exhibition
Abbreviated titleNSCA
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityWashington DC
OtherNational Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference. The NSCA advances the profession by supporting strength and conditioning professionals devoted to helping others discover and maximize their strengths. We disseminate research-based knowledge and its practical application by offering industry-leading certifications, research journals, career development services, and continuing education opportunities.


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