Health status instruments/utilities

N. Bellamy, M. Boers*, D. Felson, J. Fries, D. Furst, D. Henry, M. Liang, D. Lovell, L. March, V. Strand, S. Van Der Linden

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Rheumatologists and other interested professionals at the OMERACT II conference formed small groups to discuss whether it was sensible to use a generic health status instrument in musculoskeletal disease trials. These instruments promise the possibility of comparison of health status between disease states. However, data is lacking on validity of the current generation of instruments to support their use. Participants had little personal experience with these instruments. After inspection, many voiced strong concerns over hensiveness and responsiveness. Many dimensions of health relevant for patients with this group of diseases were felt to be underrepresented. The dimension of adverse effects was universally absent, although this is more a problem of state of the art in trial methodology than a problem of these measures. Although there is little data, the small number of response categories in the dimensions covered, plus the lack of comprehensiveness, make it likely that responsiveness will be low. Further research, especially the adoption of one or more generic measures alongside specific measures, both in trials and in observational studies, is necessary to validate and improve the current generic measures of health status.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1203-1207
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Rheumatology
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1995
Externally publishedYes


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