Getting to Grips with HANDI

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractEducationpeer-review


Background and Aims
The vision of the Bond University medical program is to offer students opportunities to bring to life their ambitions to become
outstanding practitioners, thinkers and leaders, well equipped to deliver evidenced-based, patient centred health care that
meets the needs of a diverse community.
Designing and delivering a curriculum that encompasses evidence-based practice ensures that we fulfil our vision. The Royal
Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has developed the Handbook of Non-Drug interventions (HANDI). It is
promoted as the handiest one stop reference for practical use of evidence-based non-pharmacological treatments and aims to
make 'prescribing' a non-drug therapy almost as easy as writing a prescription. At Bond we wanted to ensure that our students
used the HANDI resource and considered non-drug interventions at every opportunity of case management.
The Curriculum team reviewed where HANDI could be incorporated into the 5-year program. The first two years subscribes to
a hybrid Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach and supports learners through a range of supplementary sessions such as
lectures, workshops, etc. It was agreed that 8 cases would be modified to incorporate HANDI e.g. Back injury with advice as
to how to stay active and exercise following a stroke. During Year 3, the PBL cases are replaced with virtual patients via the
Bond Virtual Hospital (an app). In 'clinical teams', groups of students discuss and manage patients, often several each week.
A case-based learning approach is used. HANDI was incorporated into the app cases, with structured questions throughout
case management. A forum was organised and supported the utilisation HANDI and principles of exercise as medicine. The
year 4 and 5 clinical rotation teaching sessions were also reviewed to ensure promotion of HANDI. The assessed clerked case
templates were also modified, students were reminded to review Non-Drug interventions during their presentations.
The GP team at Bond had referenced and utilised HANDI as a teaching resource over a period within the GP blocks.
It was agreed, that although non-drug interventions were discussed and delivered throughout the program that a strategic
review and implementation of HANDI. This would allow graduates that are fully prepared to commence internship in Australia
or New Zealand, with the critical thinking skills required to interpret and expand the evidence base for practice.
Next steps will include a whole faculty approach workshop by including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nutrition and
dietetics and sports and exercise students with medical students to review cases and utilisation of HANDI as resource tool
for practice. This approach will support the clinical, interpersonal, teamwork and leadership skills to deliver high quality health
care outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventThe 16th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference - , Singapore
Duration: 9 Jan 201913 Jan 2019
Conference number: 16th


ConferenceThe 16th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference
Abbreviated titleAPMEC2019


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