Getting Australia's Health On Track 2021

Jora Broerse, Bojana Klepac Pogrmilovic, Rachel Brisbane, Gary Sachs, Kristy Bolton, Maximilian De Courten, Todd Harper, Kypros Kypri, Michael Livingstone, Adrian Bauman, Jamie-Lee Maple, Philip Batterham, Mark Morgan, Kevin Mc Namara, Rosemary Calder

Research output: Book/ReportOther reportProfessional


The priority policy actions are to:
1. introduce a 20% health levy on sugar sweetened beverages;
2. protect children and young people from unhealthy food and beverage marketing through comprehensive and consistent regulation;
3. reduce salt content in processed foods and promote potassium as a sodium substitute;
4. implement consistent volumetric tax on all alcohol products and increase the current taxation rate;
5. restrict late supply and concentrated supply of alcohol by preventing alcohol sales after 3am and restrict alcohol delivery between10am and 10pm;
6. invest in development and evaluation of evidence-based school-based alcohol
prevention programs;
7. re-invest in mass media information and expand smoking cessation supports to maintain and further reduce smoking rates, particularly among priority population groups and communities with continuing high rates of smoking;
8. implement a national physical activity plan, invest in active travel and walking infrastructure for all ages and abilities and enhance access for all through a voucher scheme;
9. include physical health checks as core components of all mental health care plans;
10. establish sustainable vocational individual placement and support programs nationally for people with moderate and severe persistent mental illness;
11. establish systematic screening for biomedical risk factors.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMelbourne
PublisherAustralian Health Policy Collaboration
Number of pages23
Publication statusPublished - 12 Aug 2021

Publication series

NameGetting Australia's Health On Track
PublisherAustralia Health Policy Collaboration, Mitchell Institute, Victoria University


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