General practice research

Deborah Askew, Chris B Del Mar, Brian R. McAvoy, David Lyle

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review

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The inclusion of a separate chapter about general practice research is welcome. It is a natural
consequence of the recognition that the development of an evidence-based approach to general
practice requires investment in a research base that is focused primarily on general practice. This
is also recognised by substantial Australian Government funding for GP research and increased
performance of GP researchers in both mainstream funding bids and publication. However, these
are early days and general practice research, with its unique mix of science and social science
methodologies, remains less well recognised than research based in other medical disciplines.
In the two previous editions, the subject of research was embedded in chapters about education
and training of GPs. For research to take its place as a core element of general practice is a step
forward. The present chapter sketches the current status of general practice research in Australia
and includes suggestions for enhancing it.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGeneral Practice in Australia: 2004
EditorsJ Daniel, M F Harris, J Humphreys, L Kalucy, P MacIssac, R Pegram, R Saunders
Place of PublicationFyshwick
PublisherNational Capital Printing
Number of pages54
ISBN (Print)064282765
Publication statusPublished - 2005


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