Gather ‘round the experiential fire!

George Hrivnak, Amy L Kenworthy, Ruth Axelrod, Stephen R Axley, Gregory Ferris, Jeanie Forray, Jennifer S A Leigh, Tim McMahon, Margie Parikh, Peter Brown Vaill

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearchpeer-review


Gather around the experiential fire once again to experience and enjoy a collection of engaging experiential exercises from a number of presenters in a “speed dating” format. This session includes exercises on sustainability, decision making, team building, teamwork, social perceptions and bias, leadership, and cultural bias. The full details for using these exercises are available in the Proceedings.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages28
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event38th Annual OBTC : Teaching Conference for Management Educators - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 8 Jun 201111 Jun 2011
Conference number: 38th


Conference38th Annual OBTC
Internet address


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