From Open Innovation to Open Organization - how external information can be integrated more successfully into companies

Alex Lang, Udo Lindemann

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Looking at the automotive supply industry in Germany, only 15 % of the companies, which performed Open Innovation activities successfully, repeat this measure within a 2-year period. A reason is the lack of resources, but also the little influence the measures have on the products entering the market. A major obstacle for the collected Open Innovation Information (OII) to make it into the products is the integration of the OII into the company. We propose to open the organization in order to make it easier for the OII to travel along the process chain of the product development process. But how far should a company open its processes in order to balance risks and benefits? In two studies, strategies for the opening of the processes within product development will be developed and a general approach, meant as a cook book for companies, will be deduced.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2015
Externally publishedYes
Event2015 ISPIM Innovation Summit: Changing the innovation landscape - Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 6 Dec 20159 Dec 2015


Conference2015 ISPIM Innovation Summit
Abbreviated titleISPIM


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