From BoysTown to Yourtown: Rebranding an Iconic Australian Charity

Vishal Mehrotra, Alex Beamish

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticleEducation


yourtown is an Australian non-profit organization offering services to children and young people, supported by a range of stakeholders including federal and state governments, corporates, and most significantly members of the public. It is best known for its Art Union initiative, in which supporters buy raffle tickets to be entered to win luxury homes and automobiles. It rebranded in 2016 from BoysTown, which had awareness levels in Australia of 60%. Chairman Brother Ambrose Payne, deputy chairman Gerry Lambert, and CEO Tracy Adams initiated and anchored this transition. Now, in 2017, it has an awareness level of only 10%. Was this rebranding the right move? Is it proceeding according to expectations or does it fall short of most rebranding efforts? Is it possible to regain past awareness levels or even exceed them?
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
Specialist publicationIvey Publishing [Case Studies]
PublisherIvey Publishing
Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 2020


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