Fitting project management capability to strategy

Lynn Crawford

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

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Project management is now recognized as an organizational capability and there are numerous generic maturity models providing one size fits all approaches to what is considered to be best practice. Both maturity models and best practices are problematic. Maturity models typically suggest that all firms must strive to progressively achieve prescribed levels of practice across the same range of best practices. But what constitutes best practice for whom and under what circumstances? If we look at an organization.s project management systems, although they may have similarities across firms, they are operating in different contexts, driven by different strategies. What may be best for some may not be best for others. The effect of different context and business strategies on focus and configuration of project management systems leads to the question: what configuration of organizational project management capability offers the best fit with specific markets and their strategic drivers? This paper presents results of research that begins to provide a basis for developing maturity and excellence models that are sensitive to context.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 8th Annual Project Management Australia conference (PMOz)
Subtitle of host publicationProject management at the speed of light
Place of PublicationBrisbane, Queensland
PublisherEventCorp Pty Ltd
Number of pages9
ISBN (Print)9780980768039
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventAnnual Project Management Australia conference (PMOz): Project management at the speed of light - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 2 Aug 20115 Aug 2011
Conference number: 8th


ConferenceAnnual Project Management Australia conference (PMOz)


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