Factors affecting the extent of monday blues: Evidence from a meta-analysis

Charles S. Areni, Mitchell Burger, Natalina Zlatevska

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15 Citations (Scopus)


A meta-analysis of 34 samples identified a small but reliable "Monday blues" effect (-.08 ≤ d ≤-.06) in samples reporting current or real-time moods for each day of the week. However, the size of the effect in samples reporting recalled summaries of moods experienced over the course of a day varied depending on whether the sample involved university students or nonstudents. University students reporting recalled summaries of daily moods showed a large Monday blues effect (d =-.25), whereas married men who were not students reported smaller effects with greater variance (-.19 ≤ d ≤ -.01). The 34 samples reporting recalled summaries of moods experienced over multiple days produced effects ranging from -.25 to -1.28, but the variance among these samples was too great to estimate an aggregate d statistic.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)723-733
Number of pages11
JournalPsychological Reports
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2011


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