FactCheck: Did the Northbridge WA curfew see a ‘dramatic drop’ in crime?

Renee Zahnow, Terrence Goldsworthy (Guest editor)

Research output: Contribution to journalOnline ResourceResearch


[Extract] WA Labor Premier Geoff Gallop actually put in place a curfew in the Northbridge precinct in 2003 and it has been enforced ever since. The Northbridge example saw a dramatic drop in crime and a reduction in the anti-social behaviour of young people.

– Liberal National Party of Queensland leader Tim Nicholls, quoted in a campaign announcement, November 2, 2017

If elected, Queensland’s Liberal National Party has said it will trial a curfew banning children under the age of 16 from being on some Townsville streets without adult supervision after 10pm.

Announcing the policy, Liberal National Party leader Tim Nicholls said the introduction of a youth curfew in the Western Australian suburb of Northbridge in 2003 had seen a “dramatic drop in crime and a reduction in the anti-social behaviour of young people”.

Is that right?
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe Conversation
Publication statusPublished - 24 Nov 2017


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